“The LORD is near to the broken hearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:18-19) I am writing this article with a purpose of bringing hope to the living. Suicide is a terrible tragedy for all of those who are left behind. It is especially shocking and confusing when it involves a pastor of a church, who leaves behind a grieving wife, three small...
“Testing is a way to get at the truth sideways, and if you believe that the only way to get at the truth about another person is to administer a test, then you’re not only fooling yourself, but you’re also demonstrating a very negative view of mankind. You’re saying that truth cannot be determined by asking the subject, or those who know the subject, but only by asking a testing expert. (-George Dudley, President of Behavioral Science Research Press) Missionary candidacy...
“If a parent forced a child to take alcohol, a depressant, in the mistaken belief that he was curing a “chemical imbalance” in the child’s brain, we would not hesitate to have the child removed from the home. Yet millions of children are forced to take mind-altering drugs in the equally mistaken belief that depression and other mental illnesses are biologically caused, for which there is not a shred of scientific evidence.” -Keith Hoeller, editor in chief, Review of Existential...
God’s Perspective on Man’s Problems:[God’s Truth verses Man’s Theory] I. God’s perspective on life’s problems and mankind’s opposing view: “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” Prov 14:12 A. Man’s Theory: “Man is a Victim” “This approach sees man’s fundamental problem as ignorance of himself and his psychic injuries, rather than deliberate disobedience to and ignorance of the living and true God. Man’s primary need becomes esteeming himself more highly...