Spiritual Leadership

14 Nov

Give Me That Book: A Synopsis

Give Me That Book, by Dr. Gary Rieben, will be released on December 1, 2013. A special pre-release price is being offered to orders  made by December 1, 2013. That price will be $22 dollars a copy, mailing expenses included. To receive your book at this price, send your check with your order to GMTB, Box 1045, La Quinta, California, 92247. You may also order by using the Paypal link found at “Book Sales” on the front page of this website....

19 Jan

Holy Heroes #1: Martin Luther: A Man Captured by the Word of God

Introduction:  It is said, “Every hero has a hero.” I think that is true. We are all blessed by those who have gone before and set us an example of what it takes to be “more than conquerors” in the midst of life’s greatest struggles. Even the apostle Paul wrote, “I urge you to imitate me;” [1 Cor 4:16] and, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” [1 Cor 11:1] Hebrews 11 is the Hall of Fame...