The Sufficiency of God’s Word
“Jesus replied, ‘Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the
power of God?’” Mark 12:24
“In the beginning of this century the battle was over the inerrancy of the Scriptures. Today it is over the sufficiency of the Scriptures.” – Dr. James Boice
Our Purpose: God’s Word is sufficient. God speaks and accomplishes His purposes (Isaiah 55:11). God’s Word is our food (Matthew 4:4). God’s Word is irresistible power (Jeremiah 23:29). God has spoken the words that are written down in our Bible (2 Timothy 3:16). When it is believed and received, it creates eternal life (John 20:31). Its truth sets apart the people of God (John 17:17). It opens the eyes of the blind (2 Corinthians 4:4-6). It gives life to the dead (Colossians 2:13). It grows the Church (Acts 12:24). It frees the captive (John 8:31-32). It gives hope to the weary (Romans 15:4). It brings joy to the heart (John 15:11). It brings glory to God (John 15:7-8). Nothing needs to be added to it and nothing needs to be taken from it (Deuteronomy 4:2). Nothing can be set alongside it (Psalm 119:89). God’s Word is sufficient! If we will believe it and proclaim it, God will glorify himself through it.
I. Introduction: The Battle for the Bible and the Church
A. How to grow the Church. [Do we need Madison Avenue?]Acts 12:24
B. How to heal the Church. [Do we need secular experts?] 2 Cor. 9:8-9
C. How to lead the Church. [Do we need corporate executives?] John 21:17
D. How to attract to the Church. [Do we need gimmicks?] Ps. 42:1-2
II. The Sufficiency of the Word, Psalm 19
“When God from heaven gave the Word; His Word was all-sufficient; It needs no words I may have heard; To add to or be in it. So I will take God’s Book and read; To learn what God desires; The Bible gives the strength I need; To do what God requires.” – James Boice
A. General Revelation: Psalm 19:1-6: God creates and displays His supreme glory to all creation.
“Why live in God’s world without God?” – Rev. R. A. Rieben
Note: General Revelation is God speaking to all men conveying enough information of His glory to make all men without excuse for their failure to worship Him. Romans 1:18-20
1. He speaks beautifully. [1] The beauty of God is seen in the work of his hands.
2. He speaks continually. [2] All day and all night God declares His glory.
3. He speaks exhaustively. [3-4] There is no place or people where His voice is not heard.
4. He speaks joyfully. [5] Everyday is a new opportunity for exciting adventure.
5. He speaks warmly. [6] All the earth and all peoples are blessed by His providence.
B. Special Revelation: Psalm 19: 7-11 God speaks and reveals His heart to His people.
“The fundamental reason the Word of God is essential to our joy in God is that God reveals himself mainly by His Word. And seeing this revelation of God is the foundation of our joy.” – John Piper
Note: Special revelation is redemptive words that create and sustain the faith of God’s people.
Insight: The Structure of Psalm 19:7-9: [1] There are six different forms that symbolize God’s Word; [2] All of those forms are spoken by the covenant-making God of Israel; [3] All six of these forms are given a unique character; [4] All have powerful affects.
1. Psalm 19:7a, “The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul.”
a. It is Perfect. It is “whole;” “complete”; “sufficient;” It lacks nothing. Ps 119:96
b. It revives the soul. The Law births life to the withered soul. Ps. 23:3
2. Psalm 19:7b, “The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.”a. It is Trustworthy. It is “unshakable;” “immovable;” “reliable.” It provides a
firm foundation that can be trusted. Psalm 119:89
b. It makes the simple wise. God’s statutes anchor our lives in unshakable truth.
Ps 119:130
3. Psalm 19:8a, The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart.
a. It is Right. God’s truth set us apart from the theories of men. Ps. 119:105
b. It rejoices the heart. It directs us on a sure pathway of earthly success and eternal
joy. Psalm 119:111
4. Psalm 19:8b, The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
a. It is Radiant. God’s commands are clear and easy to understand. Ps. 119:104
b. It opens eyes. God’s perspective delivers us from our blindness. Ps 119:105
5. Psalm 19:9a, The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever.
a. It is Pure. Scripture confronts us with an absolute, unchanging Holy God who
brings fear and awe to our hearts. Psalm 119:120
b. It births righteousness—God’s holiness evokes in us a holy reverence and joy
that will extend into eternity. Psalm 119:11
6. Psalm 19:9b, The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.
a. It is Sure. The judgments of the Lord are correct and will be carried out.
b. It is righteous. God’s verdicts are always just and lead to righteousness.
III. What is the Bible sufficient for? Psalm 19:10-14
“Though the covers are worn, and the pages are torn, and though places bear traces of tears; yet more precious than gold, is the book worn and old, that can shatter and scatter my fears.” – Anonymous
A. Pleasure: It is sufficient to satisfy us with deep pleasure. Verses 10-11
B. Power: It is sufficient to fortify us against the destructiveness of sin. Verses 12-13
C. Purpose: It is sufficient to magnify God’s glory in our lives. Verses 14
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