24JunThe Power of the PreacherByGary RiebenInBlog, UncategorizedJune 24, 20230SHARESShareTweet “His throne is his pulpit; he stands in Christ’s stead; his message is the word of God; around him are immortal...
15DecCONTENDING FOR THE FAITHByGary RiebenInBlog, UncategorizedDecember 15, 20220SHARESShareTweet “Peace if possible; truth at all costs.” -Martin Luther “Dear Friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the...
05MayDrinking at the Well of Eternal JoyByGary RiebenInUncategorizedMay 05, 20220SHARESShareTweet “The Lord, the Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water...
17AprSHINY HOPE FROM A SLIMY PITByGary RiebenInBlog, MissionsApril 17, 20220SHARESShareTweet Difficulties, dangers, disease, death or divisions don’t deter any but (Chocolate Soldiers) from executing God’s will. When someone says there is...